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What's inside the SCIENCE Grade 10 periodical exam?


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers in the blank before the number..

_____1. What type of electromagnetic waves is used in radar?

              A. Infrared rays                        C. Radio waves

              B. Microwaves                         D. Ultra-violet rays

_____2. Which electromagnetic wave carries more energy than the others?

              A. Microwaves                         C. UV radiation

              B. Infrared                                D. Visible light

_____3. A type of EM wave that is for medical use, to help doctors look inside the body to diagnose bone fractures and tumors.

              A. Gamma rays                        C. Microwaves

              B. X-rays                                  D. Infrared

_____4. This EM wave are very strong that can kill living cells, and are used to treat cancer through the process called radiotherapy.

              A. Gamma rays                         C. Microwaves

              B. X-rays                                  D. Infrared

_____5. What type of EM wave that is used in remote control of TV, video, cassette recorders, and other electronic appliances?

              A. Microwaves                         C. UV radiation

              B. Infrared                                 D. Visible light

_____6. Electromagnetic waves are produced by __________

              A. current                                  C. any disturbance

              B. voltage source                      D. vibrating charge

_____7. Which of the following forms of electromagnetic waves is used mostly in communication?

              A. X-ray                                    C. Radio wave

              B. Infrared                                 D. Gamma rays

_____8. In the electromagnetic wave, the direction of the propagation of the wave is __________.

              A. always to the right.

              B. cannot be determined.

              C. parallel to electric and magnetic field direction.

              D. perpendicular to the electric and magnetic field direction.

_____9. Which of the following forms of electromagnetic waves has the widest frequency range?

              A. x-ray                                    C. ultraviolet

              B. microwave                           D. radio waves

_____10. What happens to the frequency of the electromagnetic wave if its wavelength increases?

              A. decreases

              B. increases as well

              C. remains the same

              D. cannot tell; frequency and wavelength are two different concepts

_____11. What EM wave make cellular telephones transmit and receive signals? 

              A. radio waves                          C. visible light 

              B. microwaves                          D. gamma rays

_____12. All of the following are uses of visible light. Which one is not? 

              A. it enables us to see things 

              B. gives light to the screen of our devices 

              C. for thermal imaging

              D. used in optical fibers

_____13. Which kind of wave is use in night vision goggles? 

              A. microwave                              C. gamma ray 

              B. infrared                                   D. visible light

_____14. Which of the following EM wave makes use of artificial lighting? 

              A. visible spectrum                      C. gamma rays 

              B. x-ray                                        D. infrared

_____15. Which of the following is a use of ultraviolet radiation? 

              A. diagnosing bone fracture 

              B. identifying original from fake banknotes

              C. night vision goggle

              D. optical fiber

_____16. Which type of X-ray can penetrate even through metals? 

              A. regular X-ray                         C. short wavelength X-ray 

              B. long wavelength X-ray          D. dental X-ray

_____17. What imaging technique uses powerful magnets, computer and radio waves to make detailed pictures inside your body? 

              A. thermal imaging                    C. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 

              B. infrared imaging                    D. X-ray image

_____18. In an infrared camera, what color indicates warmer temperature? 

              A. blue                                        C. violet 

              B. green                                      D. yellow

_____19. Which of the EM waves below are emitted by stars and some radioactive substances? 

              A. gamma rays                          C. microwave 

              B. radio waves                           D. X-ray

_____20. Which kind of wave causes the fluorescent chemicals to glow in sunlight? 

              A. microwave                            C. gamma ray 

              B. ultraviolet                             D. visible light

_____21. Convex mirrors produce _______________ images.

              A. only virtual images               C. only real images

              B. virtual or real images            D. inverted images

_____22. In ray diagramming, an incident ray that is parallel to the principal axis _____________.

              A. will reflect parallel to the principal axis

              B. will reflect through the center of the curvature

              C. will refract through the focal point

              D. will continue along the same path through the lens

_____23. If the angle of incidence is 10 degrees from the normal line, what is the angle of reflection and the total angle between the incident and reflected ray?

              A. Angle of reflection = 30        C. Angle of reflection = 10

                      Total angle = 60                         Total angle = 20

              B. Angle of reflection = 40        D. Angle of reflection = 20

                      Total angle = 20                         Total angle = 10

_____24. A ray that shows the direction that light travels after it has crossed over the boundary.

              A. Refracted Ray                        C. angle ray

              B. Incident Ray                           D. Normal Ray

_____25. The bending of light as it passes from one transparent substances into another

              A. Reflection                              C. Refraction

              B. Focal                                      D. Vertex, V

_____26. The geometric center of the lens

              A. Focus, F                                 C. Ray

              B. Focal length                           D. Vertex, V

_____27. What happens to the light rays that pass through a convex lens?

              A.All the light rays diverge

              B. All the light rays converge

              C.All the light rays are absorbed by the lens

              D.Some light rays diverge, and some light rays converge

_____28. Describe the image that is produced by a concave lens.

              A. It is upright and larger than the object

              B. It is upright and smaller than the object

              C. It is upside down and larger than the object

              D. It is upside down and smaller than the object

_____29. A concave lens reflects light rays

              A. Towards the normal

              B. Away from the normal

              C. Along the normal

              D. None of the above

_____30. A concave lens reflects light rays

              A. Towards the normal                C. Along the normal

              B. Away from the normal            D. None of the above

_____31. What property of light is illustrated in a periscope?

              A. Reflection                                C. Diffraction

              B. Refraction                                D. Interference

_____32. If you stand in front of two plane mirrors at 800 at each other, how many images will you see?

              A. 3            B. 5                 C. 7           D. 11

_____33. A light ray traveling parallel to a concave mirror’s axis, strikes to the mirror’s surface. What is the direction of the reflected ray?

              A. it passes through the mirror’s focal point. To the mirror’s axis.

              B. It travels again parallel

              C. It travels at right angles to the mirror’s axis.

              D. It passes through the mirror’s center of curvature.

_____34. What kind of mirror is used by department store to give a wider area and smaller image of the shoppers/buyers?

              A. Plane mirror                        C. Concave mirror

              B. convex mirror                      D. None of the above

_____35. Where can you find a convex lens in a telescope with a very long focal length?

              A. at the eyepiece lens             C. at the stand

              B. at the objective lens            D. anywhere

_____36. Where can you find a convex lens with a very short focal length in a microscope?

              A. at the eyepiece lens             C. at the stand

              B. at the objective lens             D. anywhere

_____37. What optical device is found in a periscope?

              A. concave lens                       C. Concave mirror

              B. convex mirror                     D. Plane mirror

_____38. What tool is used by astronomers to see faraway objects?

              A. Camera                              C. Periscope

              B. Microscope                        D. Telescope

_____39. What optical device uses two convex lenses with short focal length?

              A. Camera                              C. Periscope

              B. Microscope                        D. Spectroscope

_____40. What device is a used for recording visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals?

              A. Camera                              C. Mirror

              B. Lens                                   D. Telescope

_____41. The region around the bar magnet is called

              A. Magnetic flux                 C. north pole

              B. Magnetic field                 D. south pole

_____42. Where is the direction of the magnetic field in the illustration?

              A. From south to north

              B. From north to south

              C. Anywhere in the pole

              D. From east to west

_____43. What is represented by the magnetic field lines in the illustration?

              A. Magnetic flux                        C. attractive force

              B. Magnetic poles                      D. repulsive force

_____44. Which of the following are the essential parts in a simple electric motor?

              A. Magnet                             C. armature

              B. Dry cell                             D. all of the above

_____45. Where is the direction of the force (F) experienced by the armature when the direction of current (I)flow is towards the page of this module?

              A. Downward                        C. to South

              B. To North                            D. upward

_____46. What will happen to the current-carrying coil of wire inside the magnetic field of the permanent magnet in the diagram of a simple electric motor?

              A. Current-carrying wire will not move

              B. Current- carrying wire will not rotate because it will not interact with the magnetic field of 

                    the permanent magnet.

              C. Current – carrying wire will rotate because it will interact with the magnetic field of the               

                   permanent magnet.

              D. Both A and B choices

_____47. In the diagram of a simple electric motor, the current-carrying wire is parallel to the magnetic field of the magnet. What is the magnitude of the magnetic force experienced by the wire?

              A. Zero                                     C. minimum

              B. Maximum                            D. both A and B

_____48. When the current-carrying wire is perpendicular to the magnetic field of the permanent magnet, what is the magnitude of the magnetic force (F) experienced by the wire?

              A. Zero                                       C. minimum

              B. Maximum                              D. both A and B

_____49. In the diagram of a simple electric motor, will the rotation of the currentcarrying wire called armature continue if the battery is removed?

              A. Yes, because the magnetic field of the magnet will continue pushing the wire

              B. No, because the wire will lose its magnetic field and the interaction between the wire and 

                   the magnet will stop

              C. Yes, because the effect of force on the wire will not stop

              D. Both A and B

_____50. Which of the following appliances has electric motor component in doing its tasks?

              A. Electric drill machine          C. electric fan

              B. Drone                                   D. all of the choices

_____51. What energy input is needed by electric motors to continue giving mechanical energy as the output?

              A. Heat energy                          C. chemical energy

              B. Electrical energy                   D. kinetic energy

_____52. What device induces current by changing the magnetic field of the magnet through the process called electro-electromagnetic induction?

              A. Electric generator                C. dry cell

              B. Electric motor                      D. solar cells

_____53. Which of the following are factors that affect the amount of induced current in electric generators?

              A. The length of the conducting wire that make up the armature of the generator

              B. The strength of magnetic field of the magnet

              C. The velocities of the conducting wire and the magnetic field

              D. All of the choices

_____54. What are essential parts of the electric motor and generator?

              A. magnetic field                      C. input energy

              B. conducting wire                   D. all of the choices

_____55. What makes the electric motor and generator identical?

              A. The action of an electric motor is just a reverse of a generator.

              B. Generator and electric motor used the same current

              C. Generator and electric motor do not need magnetic field to function

              D. All of the choices

_____56. Which of the devices below can be used to detect aircrafts and ships? 

              A. RADAR                               C. GPS 

              B. MRI                                      D. communication tower 

_____57. What device uses thermal imaging technology to capture the light being emitted as heat by objects in the field of view? 

              A. infrared camera                    C. fluorescent 

              B. remote control                      D. night vision goggles 

_____58. Which of the EM waves below is used to remove most forms of microbiological contamination from water? 

              A. infrared rays                         C. radio waves 

              B. microwaves                           D. ultraviolet rays 

_____59. All of the following are dangerous waves when taken by the body in large amounts except one. Which is it? 

              A. radio waves                            C. ultraviolet 

              B. gamma rays                            D. x-rays 

_____60. How does the energy level changes from gamma ray to radio wave? 

              A. increases                                 C. cannot be determined 

              B. decreases                                 D. energy level does not change


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