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(UPDATED) Entrepreneurship (APPLIED TRACK SUBJECTS) DLL Free Download


Daily Lesson Log (DLL) is a template that teachers use to log parts of their daily lessons. The Daily Lesson Log covers a day’s or a week’s worth of lessons.

Daily Lesson Log guidelines for daily lesson preparation was issued by the Department of Education to institutionalize instructional planning which is a critical part of the teaching and learning process in public schools. These guidelines are meant to support teachers in effectively organizing and managing K to 12 classrooms to be genuinely responsive to learners’ needs.

These guidelines in the preparation of K-12 Daily Lesson Log shall instill reflective practice among teachers by providing them opportunities to think about and reflect on their instructional practices. K-12

Daily Lesson Log preparation is part of the teacher’s core function as a facilitator of learning inside the classroom. Well-prepared and well-planned lessons are fundamental to ensuring the delivery of quality teaching and learning in schools.

As a  DepEd guideline, teachers with at least one (1) year of teaching experience, including teachers with private school and higher education institution (HEI) teaching experience, shall not be required to make a Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP). Teachers who have been in the service for at least one (1) year, handling learning areas with available LMs and TGs provided by the Department shall not be required to prepare a DLP. Instead, they shall be required to fill out a  weekly K-12 Daily Lesson Log (DLL). Teachers are allowed to work together in preparing DLLs. Seasoned or veteran teachers shall also mentor new or novice teachers in the preparation of DLLs.

To Download DLL’s, just navigate through the following links.

(UPDATED) Entrepreneurship  (Applied Track Subjects) DLL Free Download

    Here is the compiled Daily Lesson Logs (DLL) for 11/12 in the 2nd Quarter. Click on the DOWNLOAD link below to get your FREE and DIRECT COPY.

NOTE: You must be LOGGED IN to your Gmail account or DepEd Email to download this file.

QUARTER 0 (ANY QUARTER)   -    Entrepreneurship  DLL

  •  Entrepreneurship  DLL: Quarter 0 Part 1 |  Entrepreneurship  - DOWNLOAD 

What's Inside the (UPDATED) Entrepreneurship  DLL Free Download 

  • Discuss the relevance of the course;
  • Explain the key concepts of common competencies;
  • Explain the core competencies in Entrepreneurship; and
  • Explore job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a career
  • Identify the market problem to be solved or the market need to be met; and
  •  Propose solution/s in terms of product/s and service/s that will meet the need using techniques on seeking, screening, and seizing opportunities:
  • Analyze the market need;
  • Determine the possible product/s or service/s that will meet the need;
  • Screen the proposed solution/s based on viability, profitability, and customer requirements; and
  •  Select the best product or service that will meet the market need.
  • Describe the unique selling proposition and value proposition that differentiates one’s product/service from existing products/services;
  •  Determine who the customers are in terms of:  Target market; Customer requirements; and Market size
  • Validate customer-related concerns through: Interview; Focused Group Discussion (FGD); and Survey
  •  Describe the Marketing Mix (7Ps) in relation to the business opportunity vis-àvis: Product; Place; Price; promotion; people; packaging; and positioning.
  • Develop a brand name
  • Describe the 4Ms (Manpower, Method, Machine, Materials) of operations in relation to the business opportunity:
  • Develop a product description;
  • Create a prototype of the product;
  •  Test the product prototype;
  • Validate the service description of the product with potential customers to determine its market acceptability;
  • Select/pinpoint potential suppliers of raw materials and other inputs necessary for the production of the product or service;
  •  Discuss the value/supply chain in relation to the business enterprise; and
  • Recruit qualified people for one’s business enterprise. 
  • Develop the business model;
  • Forecast the revenues of the business;
  • Forecast the costs to be incurred;
  • Compute for profits; and Create the company’s five (5) year projected financial statements.
  • Manifest understanding of starting and operating a simple business
  • Implement the business plan;
  • Operate the business;
  •  Sell the product/service to potential customers;
  • Identify the reasons for keeping business records;
  • Perform key bookkeeping tasks;
  • Interpret financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow projections, and summary of sales and cash receipts);
  •  Prepare an income statement and a balance sheet;
  •  Identify where there is a profit or loss for a business; and
  • Generate an overall report on the activity. 

Must Read: Steps on How to download the file! Click Heree


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