Here's the announcement from SEAMEO Innotech.
A child’s formative years, ages 0 to 8, is crucial to a person’s holistic growth. . These early years in a child’s life contribute to their ability to learn and pose significant impact in their adult life. It is also during these years when a child is greatly influenced by their environment and the people around them.Achieving inclusive early childhood care and development is a complex challenge. The barriers to ECCD have been further heightened due to the recent pandemic.
This webinar will emphasize the importance of ECCD and will provide a space for teachers and parents to learn together as they work together to ensure an inclusive, joyful, and meaningful learning experience for young learners.
Join us this 17 May 2022, 2 pm (GMT+8) for the “ENSURING CONTINUITY OF LEARNING IN ECCD: A Webinar on Inclusive Early Childhood Care and Development.”
Register as a Zoom participant* here:
This event is done in collaboration with SEAMEO CECCEP and the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Council of the Philippines.
*Limited slots only
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