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Early release of the mid-year bonus for DepEd personnel 2022

 Early release of the mid-year bonus for DepEd personnel 2022

Any agency, including the Department of Education (DepEd), has no authority over existing laws that the mid-year bonus shall be released not earlier than May 15.

But with the impending passage of Bayanihan to Heal as One Act, the earlier release of bonus may be possible under the expanded power of the executive over the fiscal matters.

As of this posting, we received information that some Schools Division Offices (SDOs) have already released the mid-year bonus of their personnel.

While other schools are expecting it to be credited to their ATM accounts starting tomorrow, Friday, May 13.

The Mid-Year Bonus granted to each government employee is equivalent to one (1) month basic pay as of May15, 2022.

Guidelines on the Grant of the Mid-Year Bonus

5.1 The Mid-Year Bonus equivalent to one (1) month basic pay as of May 15 shall be given to entitled personnel not earlier than May 15 of the current year, subject to the following conditions:

5.1.1 Personnel has rendered at least a total or an aggregate of four (4) months of service from July 1 of the immediately preceding year to May 15 of the current year;

5.1.2 Personnel remains to be in the government service as of May 15 of the current year; and

5.1.3 Personnel has obtained at least a satisfactory performance rating in the immediately preceding rating period, or the applicable performance appraisal period. If there is a need for a shorter period, it shall be at least ninety (90) calendar days or three (3) months, provided that the total or aggregate service under Item

5.1.1 hereof is complied with.

5.2 Those who have rendered a total or an aggregate of less than four (4) months of service from July 1 of the preceding year to May 15 of the current year, and those who are no longer in the service as of the latter date, shall not be entitled to the Mid-Year Bonus.

5.3 The Mid-Year Bonus of personnel hired on part-time service in one or more agencies shall be in direct proportion to the number of hours/days of part-time services rendered.

5.4 The Mid-Year Bonus of those on detail to another government agency shall be paid by the parent agency, while those on secondment shall be paid by the recipient agency.

5.5 The Mid-Year Bonus of personnel who transferred from one agency to another shall be paid by the new agency.

5.6 A compulsory retiree, whose services have been extended, may beg granted Mid-Year Bonus, subject to the pertinent provisions of this Circular

5.7 Those who are formally charged administrative and/or criminal cases which are still pending for resolution, shall be entitled to Mid-Year Bonus until found guilty by final and executory judgment: Provided, that:

5.7.1 Those found guilty shall not be entitled to Mid-Year Bonus in the year of finality of the decision. The personnel shall refund the Mid-Year Bonus received for that year.

5.7.2 If the penalty imposed is only a reprimand, the personnel
concerned shall be entitled to the Mid-Year Bonus. 

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