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Update on the Inclusion of Homeroom Guidance in SF 9 and SF 10

 Update on the Inclusion of Homeroom Guidance in SF 9 and SF 10

Here is the latest advisory on the inclusion of Homeroom Guidance in the SF-9 (Report card and SF-10 (Form 137) as stated in the DM-OUCI-2021-346 or the Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance (HG) During Crisis Situation for SY 2021-2022.

The advisory on November 18 signed by Usec Diosdado M. San Antonio, Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction clarified that the Homeroom Guidance letter grade shall no longer be reflected in the said documents but the Learner's Development Assessment For shall be an attachment to the SF-9 and SF 10

Implementation of the program shall be governed and guided by the following principles and policies:

  1. Nomenclature Homeroom Guidance shall be reflected in the class program of every school and other school documents such SF-9 (Form-138; Report Card) and SF-10 (Form-137; Permanent Student Record) as Homeroom Guidance. However, its details (Learner's Assessment Tool Annex 5) shall be attached to SF-9 and SF-10 whenever being issued to requesting party.
  2.  Homeroom Guidance shall not be viewed as a formal learning area like Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP) and the like. It shall be treated as a program that will help learners develop the competencies needed in the three domains. Hence, its delivery in class is quite informal but still follows the Structured Learning Experience flow.
  3. Class Advisers shall be assigned to implement the program with the technical assistance of the Guidance Counselor. If the school does not have a Guidance Counselor, the School Head may assign a Guidance Designate but he/she should be provided with proper training specific to the implementation of Homeroom Guidance.
  4. Teaching Load Teaching Homeroom Guidance shall be equivalent to one (1) teaching load on top of the teacher's advisory and subject's bag.
  5. Class Program- The Homeroom Guidance shall be scheduled once a week.


DM-OUCI-2021-346 or Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance (HG) during Crisis Situation for S.Y. 2021-2022- DOWNLOAD


November 18, 2021

In reference to the inclusion of Homeroom Guidance in the SF-9 (Report Card and SF-10 (Form 137) as stated in the DM-OUCI-2021-346 or the Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance (HG) during Crisis Situation for S.Y. 2021-2022, please be advised that Homeroom Guidance letter grade shall no longer be reflected in the said documents but the Learner's Development Assessment Form shall be an attachment to the SF-9 [Report Card) and SF-10 (Form 137).

Please be guided accordingly.


Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction

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